Treatments: Tonsil Stones (Tonsilliths, Tonsilloliths)
Tonsil stones (tonsilloliths, tonsiliths)
Tonsil stones are collections of food, dead cells, and mucus that get trapped in the crypts of tonsils. They tend to harden and allow bacteria to thrive, sometimes causing inflammation and tonsillitis, pain and/or bad breath. The best treatment for tonsil stones that cause symptoms is to gently remove them as needed. There are many techniques for removing tonsil stones, including using a finger, the back of your toothbrush, or with a WaterPik type device that has a low-pressure setting, such as the Waterpik Acquarius WP-660 and the H2Ofloss HF-9 Whisper products. Tonsillectomy is a fairly extreme treatment for tonsil stones used when symptoms are severe (such as associated recurrent or chronic tonsillitis) and when other treatments have failed. Here’s a light-hearted video explaining tonsil stones in greater detail.
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