Conditions of the Ear, Nose, and Throat
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Sinus pain, facial pressure, runny nose, poor sense of smell, and headache commonly relate to infection in the sinuses, and benefit from treatment if frequent, severe, or long-standing.
Healthy ears are taken for granted until lost. Hearing loss, imbalance, and ear infections benefit from prompt evaluation to restore quality of life and avoid irreversible damage.
Oral Cavity
Conditions of the mouth are numerous. Aside from dental problems, sores or bumps in the mouth may be infection, trauma, salivary gland problems, or benign or malignant tumors. Evaluation by an expert will diagnose and treat the problem.
Serving as part of the airway as well as the “food way,” branching to the larynx and wind-pipe as well as the middle ears, the throat lies at the crossroads of several different systems.
The neck is a complex structure containing lymph nodes, the thyroid and parathyroid glands, large blood vessels and important nerves. Click on a link to expand on a topic:
Most of us depend on our voice as a basis for communication. Many of us depend on our voice for our livelihood as well. And singers go a step further in vocal demands. There are several common conditions affecting our voice, and virtually any voice may be improved.
More than the icon of one’s persona, the face is a complex structure of skin and other soft tissues with many functions and nuances. The skin, however, is prone to dermatologic conditions, and sun exposure over years accounts for the high concentration of skin cancers on facial skin compared to the remainder of the body.