“How to” guides for ENT in the OR
Standing orders for TCOM
Operating room pick sheets/preferences (Lansford)
My Epistaxis Management Notes
Epistaxis Evidence Based Medicine Flow Chart
Nasal Packing Instructional Video (YouTube)
Nasal Packing Product Options
Guidelines for Managing Epistaxis in Patient on Anticoagulation or Anti-platelet Drugs
Reversing anti-coagulant and anti-platelet medications.
Peritonsillar abscess incision and drainage
BDD survey
BDD survey scoring
Bloomington Rules and Logistics
CDL OR Case Posting Sheet
CDL Consent, OR Preferences, and Surgery Packet listings (“page 2”)
Clinic Standing Orders/Protocols
Genetic Testing Consent Form
Inspire Insurance Criteria (Unofficial)
Pulsatile Tinnitus Categories & Notes
QR codes for site pages
QR codes for surgery packets
Medicated sinus rinses
Thyroid algorithms & reference
A maximal medical regimen for acute Eustachian tube dysfunction
Magic Mouthwash formulas
My Common Otolaryngology ENT CPT codes
Cochlear codes
Inspire Appeal Template
American College of Surgeons Surgical Risk Calculator
Frailty index and scale